Sonnex Hosting PVT. LTD.

Sonnex™ Hosting Testimonials

ra[g]e, Hosting - an established webhost providing quality webhosting! Sonnex provides unbelievable webhosting features, with unlimited emails, subdomains and FTP accounts with plenty of space and bandwidth for a very low price. The admins at Sonnex are the most dedicated and swift in response that one can find around; when I needed their help to move my existing website from my old webhost that was closing down, they simply helped me move my site to their server with my login details in less than 10 seconds! Everything was in tact, my files, databases, etc. There was simply no hassle in moving. Sonnex also has a comprehensive support system, with a trouble ticket and support forums - a support forum where you don't need to wait days for a response! With their support staff online 24/7, you normally get an instantaneous response. Kudos to Sonnex with the best features and the best support!
KepstinI came to SonnexH after a previous host went out of business. All I was looking for was somewhere cheap to stick a webpage, and I found what I consider the best free webhost around. The requirements for forum posting are minimal, yet inspire a sense of community - there are always people willing to help you with something if you pitch in. The amount of stuff (databases and space) is more than you would expect, but it is the friendly community, admins, and mods that really make SonnexH what it is.
Daniel ReadySonnexH is the one webhost that I've been able to find at such a low price with such great service and support. I get more here for a much lower price than I've seen at other places. In addition to such a great service, you get a wonderful community, full of people willing to help fix your problems if you're in need, or just chat about whatever is interesting. They've so far maintained their 99% uptime guarantee, and I expect them to keep doing so. Choose SonnexH for hosting; it won't be a decision you'll regret.
Gary BryanI had been looking for a host with PHP and MySQL to host my site, and Sonnex is the best one I have seen. It has all the features you need to create a good site, and is better than some other hosts I have used. Also, since moving to the new server, Sonnex has had no downtime. Not only do you get a great host, but the Sonnex staff and community are very friendly and helpful.
ChrisAfter searching and searching for a good host almost gave up, but when someone pointed me to sonnexh I was suprised on how good the specs were. The hosting plans are packed with useful features such as cpanel. It is really easy to use my sonnexh account, and I enjoyed posting in the commity forums. The staff members are very helpful. The community is also full of members posting intresting topics and helpful posts. You can't go wrong with sonnexh, the best host I have ever seen.
Chinthaka Godawita, www.ragrafx.comI've known SonnexH ever since it first setup. I'm amazed by the amount of support and uptime they offer let alone the features, like PHP, MySQl etc, they offer. You can can get an answer to almost any problem you get with their hosting promplty and CPanel makes it extremely easy for you to manage and setup different features of your site like subdomains and emails. In my opinion, SonnexH is one of the cheapest and most reliable hosts out there.
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